How can I follow the progress of my order?
When you place an order from our online store, the status changes to "New order" as soon as the payment has been recorded. You will receive an email with all the information related to your order (remember to check the spam folder carefully so as not to miss any information).
If your payment is deferred (by cheque or bank transfer), the order will first be "Awaiting payment" until receipt of payment.
• "In progress": this status means that we are in the process of collecting the material for your order, which sometimes includes transferring to the same place of departure items that are stored in different logistics.
• "In preparation": this status indicates that the material for your order is collected and prepared for shipping, generally the same day.
• "In production": this status indicates that the tool or tools you have ordered are being produced by our teams. The additional lead-time can be from 1 to 5 working days before shipment.
If a given lead-time is likely to be exceptional, we shall systematically contact you beforehand to inform you.
• Finally, the "Shipped" status means that your order has been taken charge of by the carrier. You can follow its progress using the unique tracking number that you have received by email.